Wheat model

Disease models

To help grain growers, Meteobot® has an integration with Horta – models for soft and durum wheat. They provide risk forecasts for the following wheat diseases:

  • Yellow stripe rust;
  • Brown leaf rust;
  • Septoria leaf blotch (Septoria tritici);
  • Stagonospora nodorum;
  • Powdery mildew (Oidium);
  • Fusarium head blight;
  • Mycotoxins in grain.

The risk level is displayed on a dashboard using the “traffic lights” principle – green means that there is no risk and red means that the risk is very high.

Risk level for disease - wheat

When you select a model, you can see detailed information about the infection events and infection pressure during the growing season. This is the first main advantage of the model – it forecasts the infection process even before you can observe any disease symptoms in the field. This way you get reaction time.

On the charts below, you can see real field data about powdery mildew on a tolerant variety.

The first chart shows the infection moments and infection intensity (with red bars). They are calculated using data from the weather station.

Risk of Powdery mildew - wheat


In practice, however, disease development depends not only on the weather, but on many other factors as well. This is the second main advantage of the model – it calculates the disease risk taking into consideration crop variety, predecessor, phenological phase, seeding density, fertilization, etc. The infection pressure is shown on the next chart. As you can see, in this case the risk is low, although there had been infection events in the beginning and end of May, as well as in the first half of June. They, however, are not sufficient for disease development; that’s why there is no need to spray.

Risk of Powdery mildew


The next chart shows the infection pressure from two other diseases – Septoria leaf blotch (Septoria tritici) and Stagonospora nodorum on a highly sensitive variety. It’s clearly visible that the risk is high and it is necessary to spray against these diseases.

Septoria leaf blotch infection


Phenological development model

The system has a built-in growth model for winter wheat, covering all phenological stages:

  • Sowing;
  • Emergence;
  • Tillering;
  • Stem elongation (first node above ground);
  • Booting;
  • Heading;
  • Flowering;
  • Milk ripening;
  • Dough ripening;
  • Senescence ripening.

The model calculates what is the current growth stage of the crop based on weather station data and the date of seeding. It also predicts when the plants will enter the next phenological phase based on the integrated weather forecast. For maximum accuracy, you can calibrate the model. This is quite easy – you just need to enter the date on which the current growth stage has actually started.

Knowing when the next growth stage is expected to begin, you can plan your spraying and fertilization activities much more precisely. That’s why the model is a very useful assistant to all farmers and agronomists.

Phenological development model


Database with plant protection products

The system contains a database with registered plant protection products against diseases, which require treatment. You can select one or several products and check the suitable spraying hours. They are displayed using the built-in local weather forecast. The unfavourable periods are marked with red, and the recommended treatments periods – with green.

Database with plant protection products

The models help you make plant protection decisions and plan other activities much more precisely. With their rich database they are useful both for farmers and agronomic consultants.

For an individual advice how to use the models on your farm, please contact us at +359 896 959 628 or info@meteobot.com.