Automatic weather stations for agriculture

Meteobot® is a reliable assistant – to you and to your agronomist. You no longer need to spend time and money scouting your fields every day. Now you can monitor the conditions there on your mobile device – in real time. Moreover, Meteobot® App provides you historical weather and soil data and 10-day weather forecast for your locations of interest. It enables you to make informed decisions about your crops and field activities.

Meteobot® is available in the following versions:

Meteobot® Pro

Meteobot® Pro is a professional weather station which provides you with detailed meteorological information for agriculture. It consists of:

Meteobot Pro

  • Rain sensor
  • Soil temperature sensor
  • Soil moisture sensor
  • Wind speed sensor
  • Sensor for air temperature, air humidity and air pressure
  • Electronic circuit board
  • Built-in GPS for security and tracking
  • Solar panel
  • Battery
  • Mobile app to access data anywhere, anytime

Price: EUR 1 000 (excl. VAT)

Meteobot® Mini

Meteobot® Mini consists of:

Meteobot Mini

    • Rain sensor
    • Sensor for air temperature, air humidity and air pressure
    • Soil temperature sensor
    • Electronic circuit board
    • Built-in GPS for security and tracking
    • Solar panel
    • Battery
    • Mobile app to access data anywhere, anytime

Price: EUR 760 (excl. VAT)

Meteobot® Micro

Meteobot® Micro consists of:

Meteobot Micro

    • Rain sensor
    • No overflow, no freeze, no cracks
    • Electronic circuit board
    • Built-in GPS for security and tracking
    • Solar panel
    • Battery
    • Mobile app to access data anywhere, anytime

Price: EUR 620 (excl. VAT)

Meteobot® Nano

Meteobot® Nano consists of:

Meteobot Nano

    • Sensor for volumetric water content in soil
    • Soil temperature sensor
    • Electronic circuit board
    • Built-in GPS for security and tracking
    • Solar panel
    • Battery
    • Mobile app to access data anywhere, anytime

Price: EUR 590 (excl. VAT)

Additional sensors

You can upgrade your weather station with the following additional sensors:

  • Leaf wetness sensor: EUR 250 (excl. VAT)
  • Solar radiation sensor: EUR 370 (excl. VAT)
  • Wind direction sensor upgrade (if a wind speed sensor has been ordered): EUR 110 (excl. VAT)
  • Sensor for wet bulb temperature: EUR 140 (excl. VAT)
  • Soil temperature sensor at additional depth: EUR 50 (excl. VAT)
  • Soil moisture sensor at additional depth: EUR 80 (excl. VAT)
  • Sensor for volumetric water content in soil: EUR 40 (excl. VAT) (extension board needed: EUR 140 excl. VAT)

Metebot® can be equipped with up to 3 soil temperature and soil moisture sensors. You can install them at different depths (e.g. 30, 60 and 90 cm). This way you can get information not only about the topsoil, but also about deep soil layers, from where plants get moisture during dry periods.

Subscription fees

When buying your own weather station, you also need a software subscription.

In case you don’t want to buy a weather station, you can use weather data from a Meteobot® which is located near your fields.

The options are as follows:

  • Subscription fee for 1 year with sharing of weather data from own station – 144 EUR (excl. VAT)
  • Subscription fee for 1 year without sharing of weather data from own station – 288 EUR (excl. VAT)
  • Subscription fee for 1 year for weather data without owning a station – 288 EUR (excl. VAT)

SIM Card

Besides the standard case when you use local SIM card for your convenience we could provide you also with our SIM card which operates with mobile providers in 35 countries from the following list:

Meteobot® SIM card supported mobile providers

The price for usage of the SIM card is 36 EUR (excl. VAT) for 1 year.

How can Meteobot® help you? 

Take a quick test – how many of the questions below do you ask yourself?

  • Green sprouts in the rain


    • Has it rained in the field and how much
    • Is the field accessible with heavy machinery
    • Is it suitable for spraying and harvesting
    • What is the total rainfall since the beginning of the year
    • When did it rain for the last time
    • Has there been enough precipitation during important plant growth stages
    • Is there risk of soil erosion

  • Soil temperature, sowing wheat

    Soil temperature

    • What was the average daily temperature during the last few days
    • Is the soil frozen
    • Is there a risk of nitrogen fertilizer loss due to denitrification
    • Is the temperature appropriate for germination and emergence
    • What is the soil temperature at 2-5 cm depth – is there a risk of frost

    Meteobot measures the temperature regularly and gives you the trend. Basic thermometers show you the current temperature only, and not the average daily temperature.

  • Soil moisture

    Soil moisture

    • How much of the rainfall has actually penetrated the soil and to what depth
    • What is the soil moisture at 5-10 cm depth – is it suitable for seeding, germination and emergence
    • Is there enough moisture for the plants to absorb nitrogen fertilizer
    • How much reserve water is there in the deeper soil layers
    • Is it necessary to irrigate

    Equipped with soil moisture sensors, Meteobot shows you the trend –
    is soil moisture decreasing or increasing, so that you can plan your activities accordingly. Soil moisture values between 70 and 100% are considered optimal for plant development.

  • Frost, air temperature

    Air temperature

    • What has been the average daily temperature during the last few days
    • Is there a danger of frosts
    • Is the temperature suitable for spraying
    • Is there any disease risk
    • What is the temperature sum up to now
    • When has vegetation resumed in spring (e.g. above 5⁰С for winter wheat)
    • Is wheat or oilseed rape optimally conditioned for the coming winter

    Meteobot measures the temperature continually, so you can see the trend – during the day it could be warm but in the evening the temperature might fall below zero.

  • Strong wind, crop spraying


    • Is it suitable to spray – strong winds make spraying inefficient
    • Are the conditions optimal for blooming and pollination

    With Meteobot, you always know the wind speed in your field and can easily plan your plant protection activities.

  • Air humidity

    Air humidity

    • Is there any disease risk
    • Are the conditions optimal for blooming and pollination

    You are always a step ahead of diseases and insects with Meteobot.

  • leaf wetness

    Leaf wetness

    • Is there any disease risk
    • Is it suitable to spray

    Meteobot calculates the hours when leaves have been wet. This information helps you make timely plant protection decisions.

If you regularly ask yourself at least three of the questions, then Meteobot® is the smart solution that will make your work easier.


Technical parameters of Meteobot 

Meteobot® is a system of high-quality European and American sensors, which measure the local weather conditions with precision and need no calibration. Meteobot® is your personal and trustworthy meteorologist.

You can rely on Meteobot® anywhere anytime. The weather station is equipped with a solar panel and a battery for completely autonomous work 365 days a year. The data is sent to you via mobile internet.

Detailed technical specifications of all compatible with Meteobot® sensors